Thursday, February 10, 2005

Artists Who Bowl: An Analysis

1. Persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and L meet at random art event. Hugs and air kisses are given all around; everyone says things like Oh You Look So Adorable! and Where On Earth Did You Find Those Shoes? and I Need A Cigarette, Badly.

2. B suggests that everyone go bowling the following Wednesday night, and everyone agrees.

3. The day before, D calls B and cancels due to Unforeseen Circumstances.

4. B calls C and E to say that D cannot attend. C and E tell B that they feel ill but will still attend if F and L are going. B promises to call back.

5. B calls F and F calls L. F cannot go due to prior plans. L is still interested, but suggests another day to B if not enough people confirm.

6. L calls A; A returns call two weeks later from New York.

7. B and L call C and E, but only get voicemail

8. G calls B and leaves cryptic message

9. G calls B and cancels due to Illness.

10. G calls L and changes mind.

11. B calls L and cancels due to Illness.

12. C and E call B, L, and G to say they Are Ill But Will Bowl Anyway.

13. G calls L and changes mind again.

14. G and B call C, E and L to confirm cancellations

15. L and E decide to pick another day, but forget to mark it in their calendars.

16. Persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and L meet at random art event. Hugs and air kisses are given all around; everyone says things like Oh You Look So Adorable! and Where On Earth Did You Find Those Shoes? and I Need A Cigarette, Badly.

The End


Blogger Kalleigh Hathaway said...

I take it that artists are fundamentally opposed to using email to communicate, and find the "reply to all" button aesthetically repulsive?

12:27 PM  
Blogger aprilbapryll said...

what are you doing tonight? because if i feel well enough (i've been sick all night, i think with very bad food poisoning) christen and i plan on going bowling with a friend of ours who caught the guy who tried to steal my car ...... i'll probably be home all day so email me if you'd want to go!

1:21 PM  
Blogger Happy and Blue 2 said...

This sounds strangely like any meeting that I have ever tried to arrange.

2:56 PM  
Blogger Larry Jones said...

It appears that you have reached that point in your life and career at which you and most of your friends are just Too Damned Busy. Since in the end all we really have is each other, it's a shame that we get like this. Remeber when you get the idea to go to the beach and within a half hour you and five friends were in the car, on the way? I loved that.

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. This sounds vaguely familiar to me. Almost like 6 related, absent-minded professors trying to get organized to go on a family vacation! Ah, those were the days. ;o)

8:42 PM  
Blogger LK said...

So were H, I, J and K already sick when it came to the art event?

8:44 PM  
Blogger L said...

I think most DO find the "reply all" button to be aesthetically repulsive...

Frog Princess: Oh well... bowling next time...

Larry, yes I remeber those days, I thonk of them findly....

llcoffee: the entire alphabet was sick and the metric system came down with a very bad cold

10:01 PM  
Blogger Gel said...

Hi- Well this artist heavily uses email. It's hard to reach me in person via the phone. (Ringing machines jolt the artistic fingers...) Sympathies to you about cancelled plans. So many want to be spontaneous, but we all need to connect somehow! It doesn't just happen w/ a twitch of the nose...although I, too, remember college spur of the moments. Sigh

5:06 AM  

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